CLASSIC; Black Argus

Black Argus
Designed by Major John Traherne, Dressed by Daniel Bolduc Canada

Tag: Silver tinsel and red claret silk.
Tail: Golden pheasant topping.
Butt: Black ostrich herl.
Body: In three equal sections. Rear: Gold tinsel veiled with Indian Crow substitute above and below and butted with black ostrich herl. Middle and Front: Silver tinsel veiled with Chatterer substitute below and butted with black ostrich herl.
Wings: Three pairs of black Argus and a topping over all. (I cannot find a substitute feather for black Argus. If you know of one please email me and let me know what it is).
Checks: Woodduck extended and three toucan feathers, one over the other. Pale sulfer yellow dyed CDC feathers make a good toucan substitute.
Horns: Red macaw.
Head: Black ostrich herl.