CLASSIC; Nepenthian

Designed by Major Traherne, Montage Daniel Bolduc.

Tag: Gold twist and gold silk the same shade as toppings.
Tail: Topping and two re crows.
Butt: White ostrich herl, dyed the same colour as dark blue chatterer.
Body: In three equal sections. The first light blue silk, same shade as light blue chatterer, with four dark chatterer feathers, back to back and butted with the same coloured herl as before. The middle division, light orange silk, the same shade as the toucan above and below, and butted similarly. The rest, re orange silk, resembling in tint of the three re crow's feathers situated on either side, from under the throat.
Throat: Red macaw.
Wings: Six tippets, back to back, with two jungle projecting.
Cheeks: Summer duck extended and blue chatterer, two strips golden pheasant above, with topping over.
Horns: Red macaw.
Head: Blue herl.