The Green Highlander

The Green Highlander
(Kelson/Pryce-Tannatt hybrid).

Tag: Silver twist and yellow silk (Kelson)
Tail: Golden pheasant crest and teal (summer duck here, per Pryce-Tannatt)
Butt: Black ostrich herl
Body: First quarter, golden yellow floss, remainder bright green seal's fur (or floss silk)
Ribing: Oval silver tinsel
Hackle: Grass-green cock wound from the yellow silk
Throat: Lemon yellow cock
Wings: Mixed golden pheasant tippet in strands, married sections of yellow, orange, and green swan, florican, peacock wing, and golden pheasant tail; outside of this, married sections of teal and barred summer duck; narrow sections of brown mallard over and a topping
Sides: Jungle cock
Cheeks: Indian crow
Horns: Blue macaw (optional)
Head: Black