The Nicholson

The Nicholson
Tag: Silver twist
Tail: A topping, a bit of red parrot, and a wisp of red mohair
Butt: Over the tail, as a butt, a blue jay hackle is wound on, and over that back ostrich herl
Body: The fly is then separated by hackles into three divisions, and each of these divisions into two joints of differently coloured floss. The lower joint is scarlet and black; above this is another jay hackle and black herl. The second joint is lemon and scarlet, and above this is a scarlet hackle and black herl. The third joint is orange and medium blue floss, over this medium blue hackle, and above that a darkish orange coch-y-bondhu hackle
Wing: Large cock-of-the-rock or two orange hackles; over that stips of bustard, argus pheasant, lightish turkey, lavender, yellow, and red swan; one topping over all
Cheeks: Jungle cock
Head: Peacock herl